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Instructions for Taking the CCTST Online

* It is recommended to use a desktop or laptop to take the online CCTST.  A tablet or smartphone are not recommended.

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Test Taker Login”, the yellow box in the upper right corner
  3. If given the option, choose “Browser”
  4. Select language
  5. Click on “Login” button in the upper right corner
  6. Enter the provided username and password
  7. Select “California Critical Thinking Skills Test”
  8. Click “Start” in the upper right corner when you are ready to begin
  9. Complete profile information and click “Submit”
  10. You will be given reminders on the time allowed for the test. Click “OK” to bring up the first question and start the timer
  11. Make sure to scroll down to see all answer options for each question
  12. When you are ready to send your responses for scoring click “Done”. A pop-up will let you know if any questions have been skipped and allow you to go back, time permitting. When you are ready to send all of your responses click “Submit”
  13. After a few moments, your results page will be displayed. It is here that you can have your results emailed to you by clicking the “Share” button
  14. When you are finished, click “Logout”